What We Do
Advocate for affordable, sustainable, community-enhancing housing for the people of the Mount Washington Valley.
- We study trends and analyze data to develop a clear understanding of the economic and societal importance of affordable housing in the MWV.
- We work to communicate and shape public opinion on the importance of developing and maintaining a stable supply of affordable housing.
- We support developers of affordable housing, helping them move their projects from the planning to building stage.
- We work with local planning boards to amend zoning that encourages the construction of affordable housing and meets the communities needs.
- We engage housing professionals, local officials, and the greater community to demonstrate how specific zoning changes can attract the development of affordable housing.
- We engage, inform, and collaborate with regional and state legislators to increase funding for affordable housing and to pass housing friendly legislation at the state level.
MWVHC’S board of directors and staff work together and with the community at large, to achieve our advocacy goals.
Why We Do It
Decent, affordable housing fulfills a basic human need. It benefits individuals and families and contributes to the well being and economic vitality of the community as a whole. An adequate supply of affordable housing attracts and retains employees - a selling point and a competitive advantage for area employers. Affordable homes also support the local workforce so they can live close to their jobs. Shorter commute times allow workers to spend more time with their families while the community benefits from reduced traffic congestion and expenditures on roads. The construction of affordable homes can also help stimulate economic growth. A healthy mix of housing options, including market- rate and affordable rental housing, single- family homes, accessory dwelling units ("granny flats", etc.), as well as developments for seniors, ensures opportunities for all individuals to improve their economic situation and contribute to their communities.
An Example of Our Work
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